F. A. Q.'s
What kind of groups host Parent-Child Retreats?
  Schools Neighborhood Associations YMCA's
Churches Community Colleges Parks
Libraries Daycare Centers Scouts
  Businesses Apartment Complexes Prisons

How can I have a Parent-Child Retreat at my school, church, business, or organization?
Co-facilitate with another leader from your group.
Collaborate with a leader from one of the groups listed above.
Co-facilitate with Scott Ertl.
Hire Scott Ertl to facilitate a Parent-Child Retreat for your group.

How can we fund a Parent-Child Retreat:?
Charge participants Business sponsor PTA sponsor
Civic Club sponsor Safe and Drugfree Schools grant Daycare sponsor
Radio Station sponsor Skating Rink sponsor Church sponsor

Who can lead a Parent-Child Retreat?
Counselors School Teachers Pastors
Youth Leaders Sunday School Teachers PTA leaders
Principals Daycare Directors Program Directors
Trainers Scout Leaders Librarians